Currently there are:
CriticsChoosing to go to this school has been one of the biggest mistakes of my life! Many other students that I've spoken to feel the same way that I do about Federico Beauty Institute. It is a waste of your time and money. The teaching staff have no idea what they are doing the majority of the time and as a result there are many hours that are just spent sitting around. The Director of Education, Pamela Knight, is much more concerned with watching students on camera and busting people for dress code violations than creating a positive and productive learning environment. Because of this, Federico is often referred to by past and present students as "women's prison". Don't let them fool you, the price of this school does NOT reflect the education you will actually receive!
Student Atmosphere:
Faculty and Staff:
Financial Aid Assistance:
Career Guidance:
Program Area:
Liberal Arts, Sciences, General Studies
Program Level:
Certificate or Diploma
Program Title:
Certificate of Completion
Mumbles06's Thoughts: