Currently there are:
CriticsLMU is an expensive school in a beautiful pristine environment. It is perfect for those who enjoy a smaller community and who like seeing familiar faces on campus, and the student-to-teacher ratio is great. Certain programs are stronger than others, though you will certainly get out of the experience what you put in. It does not offer football games and red crunchy leaves in the Fall, what many think of when they think "college," but it does offer a great college environment, a wonderful teaching staff, and the opportunity to be near the lively and diverse culture of Los Angeles and its surrounding cities. I have no experience with the graduate programs, but those who I know who have gone through it have all had positive experiences.
Student Atmosphere:
Faculty and Staff:
Financial Aid Assistance:
Career Guidance:
Program Area:
Liberal Arts, Sciences, General Studies
Program Level:
Bachelor's Degree
Program Title:
Bachelor of Arts, Humanities
Krbernardi's Thoughts: