Currently there are:
CriticsHmmmm while there is some good advice here, it's a ltltie bit too general (these tips can apply to any type of class really). The major difference between online classes and other types of classes is that instead of the information being presented (or handed over to you), it is your responsibility to pull the information from what you have available to you. This includes your textbook, online resources, the activity that occurs in your online learning shell, etc. Make a habit of printing out documents and screens from your online learning shells. Re-organize everything into binders or folders that you can access easily while working on projects and tests. This will help your grade significantly in online coursework.
Student Atmosphere:
Faculty and Staff:
Financial Aid Assistance:
Career Guidance:
Program Area:
Transportation and Commercial Vehicle
Program Level:
Bachelor's Degree
Program Title:
Alaudia's Thoughts: