Cdtocp's Review: Olympian University of Cosmetology - Alamogordo


Overall Experience:

Currently there are:




Cdtocp's Thoughts:
goals is to provide eolpmyees with all of the ingredients to make them feel like they're a part of something special. In Samsung's case, it's effectively bringing eolpmyees together and promoting its brand at the same time. Show employee what you are doing to expand your brand's exposure, growth, and potential. Do it in a way that brings them along for the ride. Synergy! Pretty brilliant.My employer (Universal Pictures) recently celebrated its 100th anniversary. It was a huge marketing initiative, both internally with eolpmyees and externally with all relevant stakeholders. I remember walking into the elevator one day and seeing some very cool creative wrapped all around. They were shots of iconic Universal Pictures' characters. Michael J. Fox from Back to the Future, Janet Leigh from Psycho, etc. The initiative included a print campaign, press releases, employee events on the lot, and a gift bag of DVDs and commemoration letter to all eolpmyees. Definitely made me feel special, and proud to work for the company. I'm already over the moon for my employer, and this connected me even more to the organization. Kudos to Samsung and Universal for understanding the importance of valuing the employee.19 days and counting until the London 2012 Olympics begin I'll be watching, will you?
Student Atmosphere:
Faculty and Staff:
Financial Aid Assistance:
Career Guidance:
Program Area:
Security and Law Enforcement
Program Level:
Bachelor's Degree
Program Title:
goals is to provide
Review Schools >> New Mexico >> Alamogordo >> Olympian University of Cosmetology