Currently there are:
CriticsI’ve been going to Everest College in Portland, OR for over a year and I have another year to go. I have perfect attendance and a 3.89 GPA. I really like my instructors and am being taught what I expected and wanted. The problem is the finance department and a "bank". I have a plan with this "bank" that I pay $20 a month till I graduate and then the amount goes up. Well, when I hit my 1st year anniversary, my monthly bill went up over $90. I went to the finance dept at school right away and found out that the "bank" didn’t have my correct graduation date in their file. Both the "bank" and Everest said I should pay the regular $20 a month and they will correct the problem. It’s now two months later and I’ve been paying the $20 on time but the problem has gotten worse. I just looked at my account online (again) and it says my account is delinquent and there are late charges for every day since the day my bill mistakenly went up. I’ve been to the finance dept at Everest at least six times in the past couple months and they assure me the problem will be handled immediately, but it just doesn’t happen. I’m a paralegal student at the top of my class and used to have decent credit. By the way, I have been using the Better Business Bureau’s website ( to look at these companies’ reputation. What it says about the "bank" is interesting.
Student Atmosphere:
Faculty and Staff:
Financial Aid Assistance:
Career Guidance:
Program Area:
Legal Studies and Reporting
Program Level:
Associate's Degree
Program Title:
astudent's Thoughts: