Currently there are:
CriticsCost of living esnepxes can only be paid for with loans and if the college includes cost of living into their total cost of attendence. Usually undergraduate and community colleges do NOT include cost of living into their total cost of attendence unless you are living on campus. I doubt your cousin would be able to get loans for housing esnepxes.The whole point of community college is to go someplace near you so you can live at home, where you currently live. She might want to stay where she is and go to community college there, then transfer to a 4 year university in Virginia. I used to live in the area of Tidewater Community College, it's not special and there is nothing about it that should make her go there instead of another community college.
Student Atmosphere:
Faculty and Staff:
Financial Aid Assistance:
Career Guidance:
Program Area:
Mechanics, Precision, and Construction
Program Level:
Certificate or Diploma
Program Title:
Bianca's Thoughts: